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1. Beracha before Duchon 2. Rebbi Elazar 3. Birchas Kohanim

Yonatan M. asked:

Regarding the Pesukim that, according to the Gemarah here, are to be said during Birchas Kohanim, how would they work vis a vis the Gemarah in Brachos (55:) about the Ribono Shel Olam for an unclear dream. Would one say that Tefilah instead of the Psukim if need be?

Yonatan M., Toronto, Canada

The Kollel replies:

L'Halachah no Pesukim are said (128:26). Even the Ribono Shel Olam should be said during the Nigun of the Kohanim in order to be silent during the Berachah (Rama 128: 45).

Tosfos says the Ribono is allowed to be said even according to those who don't say Pesukim because of the danger shown by the dream. The opinion you mention prefers saying Pesukim as an act of acceptance of the Berachos. And if he wants to say the Ribono it depends how much time he has!

We can also add as follows: The Beis Yosef explains that saying the Ribono is in effect like listening silently to the Berachah (not like adding Pesukim). It is acknowledging that the Berachah can fix a bad dream and is allowed even if Pesukim are not allowed. So too we can say that those who are for saying Pesukim can accomplish the same purpose by saying the Ribono.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner