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1. Honey 2. Normal/Abnormal Decline 3. Citation of Hagahos ha'Bach
4. Mistake in Mesivta Gemara? 5. äòøåú 6. ìîä ôéøù øùé àöì øá òîøí åìà àöì øáà
1. Y. Shaw asks:

Shalom u'vrachah,

Quick question: In the Hagahos ha'Bach, #2, on Tosfos (DH ha'Yoreh), the Bach refers to Shu't Bach Siman 206. The two editions of Shu't ha'Bach (ha'Yeshanos and ha'Chadashim) do not seem to go up to 206. Any insight? Thank you!

2. The Kollel replies:


The Bach actually sends us to this Siman also in his Hagahos on the Rosh at the beginning of Bava Kama. As far as I was able to find out, the book was printed after he died, and it is assumed that not all was published, while the Bach himself pointed to Simanim that he thought would be published.

In any case, Oz v'Hadar published in their edition of the Shas Bavli a Perush on the Shas from the Bach called Chidushei ha'Bach. In the case in Bava Kama, what he is referring to at least can be found in that new Sefer, while in Bava Metzia, I could not find his Perush on the Tosfos in the new Chidushei ha'Bach, nor in any other Siman in the new or old Bach responsa.

Chaval Al de'Avdin!

Aharon Steiner