On shabbos daf 38a (bottom) it says "cooking an egg for a long time is good for it"
However in brochos daf 44b it says ki asa rav dimi... as an egg gets more and more cooked it loses more of its nutritional value. So you see lengthy cooking is bad for it!
It could be my question doesn't even start simply because our gemara might only be talking about taste value not how healthy it is.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Thank you very much for the emails!
There is a famous expression "Shiailas Chacham Chatzi Teshuvah" -- "the question of a wise man is half the answer." In this case, you gave the question and the answer. I totally concur with your answer that the Gemara in Berachos is talking about nutritional value, while the Gemara in Shabbos is talking about delicious taste. This is apparent from Rav Chama's statement in our Gemara "v'Achalnu Meihen Harbeh" -- "And we ate a lot from them," which is not something you hear from people who are aiming for nutritional value. As "Ain Beis Midrash Belo Chidush" -- "There is no Beis Midrash where something novel is not (said)," I can tell you that I heard from a person who was constantly at Rav Sheinberg's house that Rav Sheinberg used to often eat one hardboiled egg for breakfast. The person suggested that it was because of the Gemara in Berachos.
Take Care,
Yaakov Montrose