Question #5
>>5. If one ate the produce of 30 trees that are spaced more densely than normal, is this a Chazakah?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) Sofek.
d) Machlokes A&B.
e) Machlokes A&C.
Correct answer: b<<
I think the answer should be yes because of Rava's question. Or it should at least be a machlokes since Rava obviously holds it's a chazaka
Kol Tuv
Dear Yossi,
The quiz is based on Gemara Rashi, and Rashi 36b DH MiMateh Asara says it is not a Chazaka and therefore thhe quiz answers "no".
However Tosfos 36b DH MiMateh brings your question from Rava of 37b and then explains Rashi that Rava is talking only if he eats all the trees (including the "good" remaining trees) then there is Chazaka on the overly dense area but when eating only a third at a time it is not enough.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner