The second question I have is on Daf 35 , regarding the woman who took the dinar and stored it in the floor , baking a loaf ( with the coin ) and giving it to a poor man. She was punished by loosing one of her children. I calculated a rough estimate of what a gold dinar will occupy in terms of volume and it came up ( with over exageration) that it will occupy roughly 1.5 cc. This will be the equivalent in volume of a floor ( you can also work it in terms of weight). If we take a reasonable size loaf ( 30cmx10cm) you end up with 3000 cc for the loaf and 1.5 cc for the coin. This is a ratio of 2000 to 1. Obviously, the volume (or weight ) occupied by the coin is worth less than a peruta in floor price. We know that you are not considered Hyave for less than a peruta , nevertheless she was punished harshely and therefore there must be other reasons , other than the Gemarah terse.
She was not punished for stealing, she was punished for making a false Shevu'ah. The Shevu'ah was false even if she actually saved less than a Perutah.
Dov Zupnik