The gemara posits that the the Chachamim pater the sholeach because they hold that a shechita she'eino ruiya doesn't have a chalos shaym shechita, memeila the t'nai of shechita to mechayev one in tashlumim dalel v'hei is was fulfilled and the chachamim poter. But what happened to tashlumei kefel? Isn't the mashaleach chayav in that. The Rambam writes in Perek Beis Hilchos Geneiva Halacha Ches that with a shechita she'eino ruiya you're chayav tashlumei kefel.
Avi Block, Highland Park, NJ
Of course the Ganav pays Kefel, not because of the Shechitah but because of the original Geneivah. However, that was not the subject of the Machlokes of Rebbi Meir and the Chachamim. When the Chachamim say that he is Patur, it means that he is Patur from the payments of Arba'ah v'Chamishah .
D. Zupnik