The Gemara brings that if Yom Tov falls on Friday you need to go out on Thursday afternoon and establish an eruv techumin then for Yom Tov and Shabbos. The Gemara does not bring a source for the fact that one needs an Eruv on Yom Tov- is there a source for this or is it learned by implication from Shabbos?
Marc Chipkin, Johannesburg, South Africa
Shalom and thanks for your question.
You raise an interesting point. The Mishnah in Megilah (7b) teaches us that Shabbos and Yom tov are equal regarding all prohibitions except for M'leches Ochel Nefesh (Melachos for preparing foods). This applies to all Melachos of Shabbos and all rabbinical prohibitions, including the Issur of Techumin. There are numerous Mishnayos in Shas which discuss the issues of Techumin on Yom tov (see fifth Perek of Beitzah).
There is discussion in the Acharonim regarding the opinion (Rabbi Akivah) that the prohibition of Techumin on Shabbos is a D'oraisah. This is learned from the Possuk "A man shall not leave his place on the seventh day". The question is, does this Torah prohibition also apply to Yom tov, or since the Torah specifies "on the seventh day", perhaps it does not apply to Yom tov. If this were the case, then the prohibition of Techumin on Yom tov would unanimously be an Issur D'rabo'non.
(This is discussed in the Minchas Chinuch 298, and Turei Even Chgigah 17b.)
Kol tuv
Yehuda Landy