More Discussions for this daf
1. MONETARY RESONSIBILITY OF KIBUD AV 2. Fear & Honour 3. כמה הערות בדף היומי
4. A Rav That Pardons His Honor 5. Rav Yachol li'Mchol Al Kevodo? 6. משל מי וברש"י מאכילו ומשקהו ומכבדו

Chaim Weizmann asks:

The gemara brings the opinion of Rava that says that a Arv that pardons his honor he has the ability to do so, and then the Gemara asks that Rava was upset that the Chachmim didn't stand up in the wedding when he served them, so my question is, that although we said that a Rav is allowed to pardon his honor, he doesn't have to do so, and it might be that for that matter (that the should stand for him) Rava was makpid for his honor.

Thank you!

Chaim Weizmann, Bat-Yam Israel

The Kollel replies:

Dear Chaim,

The Ran on the Rif (13b) says that since a Rav can be Mochel, it is not proper to be Makpid.

The Maharsha learns that if he served them, he is not looking to be Makpid, and it shows he is willing to be Mochel if possible, and therefore it seems he cannot be Mochel. (Rava's serving them does not need Mechilah, since this is Hachnasas Orchim. -Pnei Yehoshua)

The Pnei Yehoshua himself gives another answer. If Mechilah is possible, then Rava has nothing to be Makpid about; they probably stood for the Rav earlier that day and to stand again is only to prevent Chashad -- suspicion -- and since others realize that Rava can be Mochel they do not suspect any wrongdoing, and then Rava has nothing to be Makpid about -- unless it is forbidden to be Mochel.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner