Rebbi Akiva Eiger points out a s'tira between two rashis about if you can darshen the 13 Midos on your own. Rashi here says you cannot, but Rashi in Rosh Hashanah 034a says that you can.
What is the answer to this contradiction?
chaim brown, brooklyn,usa
The Kapos Temarim says that Rashi holds that whether a person can learn a Hekesh by himself, or must receive it from his Rebbes is a Machlokes between Rebbi Yehudah (who holds we cannot learn a Hekish without a Kabalah) and the Rabanan (who hold we can). Rashi in Sukah is going in the opinion of Rebbi Yehudah, whereas Rashi in Rosh ha'Shanah is going according to Rabanan. The Mishneh l'Melech (Karban Pesach 2:13) offers the same answer.
The Aruch la'Ner in Sukah says that it depends whether there is a proof from the Pasuk that we should learn the Hekesh. If we have an extra word or other proof from the Pasuk as in Rosh ha'Shanah we can learn the Hekesh without a Kabalah. The Mitzpeh Eisan in Rosh ha'Shanah also offers this solution.
The Rashash in Rosh ha'Shanah suggests that the Drashah in Rosh ha'Shanah is not really a Hekesh, but is a Drashah from one word (not from two words or subjects one next to the other).
Dov Freedman