What is a succah gezulah? When you stole te land or the material and if its the material why is it gezulah? He should be konah with a shinui when heuses the material to make the succah?
yid again, usa
The Gemara here explains that it is only Rabbi Eliezer who maintains that a succah gezulah is invalid, whilst the Chachamim maintain that it is Kosher. Rav Nachman teaches that the dispute refers to a scenario where the thief grabbed someone and threw him out of his own Sukah. R. Eliezer holds that according to the opinion that it is possible to steal land (i.e. if someone steals land it is considered Halachically that it has moved into the ownership of the thief) this is now a Sukah Gezulah and is Pasul.
However if someone stole wood and used it to cover the Sukah everyone agrees that the Sukah is Kosher. Rashi DH Aval explains that this is because the thief was Koneh the wood with a Shinuy, as you write.
Wishing you a Kesivah u'Chasimah Tovah,
Dovid Bloom