More Discussions for this daf
1. Bava Basra 031: Tosfos DH Amar 2. Rav Chisda's reason 3. Chazakah without a Ta'anah
4. My fathers' or his fathers'? 5. אוקי חזקה להדי חזקה

1. Scott Rogers asked:

We corresponded in the past and I appreciate your prompt answers...

Top of Amud a. Rabah says the megu. By every chazaka without a tayna, why don't we say that the person should be believed with the same megu?

Thank you in advance

2. The Kollel replies:

There are two possible ways that Migu may work. Firstly, Migu adds strength to the Tayna a person makes. This is because Taynos of a person who has the ability to make a winning Tayna have more weight. Secondly, Migu helps to prove that a persons Tayna is not a lie, becauseif he was going to lie, he would have said a better lie.

Either way, Migu can only help to support a Tayna. If there is no Tayna, Migu is worthless.

Dov Freedman