More Discussions for this daf
1. Bava Basra 031: Tosfos DH Amar 2. Rav Chisda's reason 3. Chazakah without a Ta'anah
4. My fathers' or his fathers'? 5. אוקי חזקה להדי חזקה

1. Question <> asked (in Hebrew):

rachbam omer che taam rav h'isda michoum cheh'ezkat mamon adifa meh'ezkat cachrout chel edim... haim ze rotse lomar che negued h'ezkat ah'eret, lo h'ezkat mamone, h'ezkat cachrout chel edim adif, o lo?

The Rashbam says that Rav Chisda's reason is because Chezkas Mamon is stronger than the Chazakah of Kashrus of the witnesses. Does this mean to say that against another kind of Chazakah, the Chazakah of the Kashrus of witnesses is stronger?


2. The Kollel replies:

We seem not to have proof that this inference is correct. Remember, Rav Chisda is talking about a suspicious Chezkas Kashrus of these witnesses, who have a fifty percent chance of having already lied in Beis Din. Rav Chisda is merely saying that this bad Chezkas Kashrus doesn't stand up to a regular Chezkas Mamon. However, the Chasam Sofer says that the Rashbam (DH "Rav Chisda Amar") slightly implies that although Rav Chisda understands that they can't testify in cases of money, they can still testify in cases of Issur.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose