why is it that when the buchia is filled with coals it is ok when the gemara previosly had said that because he is chas oleaha he will come to heat it from outside and therefor is always assur?
tovi, lakewood usa
The Shas Lublin cites your question in the name of the Beis Yosef, so you are in good company, and gives the following four answers -
1. The Beis Yosef himself explains that a Buchya is made of tiles and earth, and not of earthenware, in which case the fear that it might crack is non-existent.
2. According to the Bach, Buchya is sometimes used on the inside, and so it may be heated on the inside too.
3. This answer given by the Me'iri seems to be an extension of the previous answers (i.e. an explanation as to why ... , rather than an independent answer). He explains that due to the thickness of the Buchya, one is able to heat it up on the inside, without being afraid thatg it might crack.
4. The Chok Ya'akov answers the question by changing the text. He maintains that the correct version is 've'I Malya Gumri ve'Heseiko mi'bi'Fenim Shapir Dami'. Accordingly, the Gemara itself is basically supplying the answer given by the commentaries.
be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler.