I must be missing something real basic and elementary..please ...waiting to be revived.
I guess I should have spent more time at yeshiva :)
I can't understand for the life of me what the question on Reb Yoseph and Reb Yitzchok is. The ga'marah ask : according to Reb Yosheph and Reb Yitzchok how could the brasah say that the egg is prohibited... we know that a sufek (doubt) de'rabanan is la ko'lah.
I though simply because we all know the concept even at this point that a davor sha yesh lo mater'en is prohibited.That is why the ba'rasah says it is prohibited. So what is the gamarah's question : The din should be la'koolah?
If it is a foolish question I apologize for taking up your time.
AR, Spring Valley, NY
You are in good company, since that is precisely what Rav Ashi answers on Daf 4a (your Kashya pertains to 3b, not to 4b as you quoted).
In other words, when the Gemara asked the question on Rav Yosef and R. Yitzchak, we did not yet know about 'Davar she'Yesh Lo Matirin'. We only learn it from Rav Ashi later.
be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler