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1. ההוא ארמאה דהוה סליק ואכיל פסחים בירושלים 2. Tosfos DH me'Eileha 3. Pattern of Questions
4. Killing an Arami 5. ההוא ארמאה דהוה סליק ואכיל פסחים בירושלים 6. תא שמע או מיתיבי
7. תוד"ה שמץ פסול ובתוד"ה ואנא

Shmuel Meer asks:

The Tosafos asks why Rabbi Yehuda Ben Beseirah didn't come to bring a korban pesach and gives 3 theories- one of which is that he did not own land in Eretz Yisrael. I saw quoted an interesting proof of this Tosafos: that Rabbi Yehuda Ben Beseirah said (Sanhedrin 92b) that he was a descendent of those resurrected by Yechezkel who of course did not inherit land at the time of Yehoshua.

I would be interested in knowing if you could tell me who says this vort and in which sefer it can be found.

Shmuel Meer, Chicago, Illinois, USA

The Kollel replies:

This is attributed to the Vilna Gaon. He is cited in Teshuvas Beis Yitzchak (Yoreh Deah 55:3), by Rav Yitzchak Shmelkish, and by a few other Sefarim.

I have found, bs'd, the original source of these words of the Vilna Gaon. It is in his Sefer Kol Eliyahu, in Parshas Re'eh #115, on Devarim 16:16: "Three times in the year shall all your males be seen...."

Chanukah Same'ach,

Dovid Bloom