More Discussions for this daf
1. Rebbi Eliezer's wrath 2. 2 Sources to Exclude Deaf and Mute 3. Shoteh
4. Hearing, learning, and teaching 5. Bringing a child to Hakhel 6. Scorpions, Not Water
7. Deaf and Dumb? 8. l'Ma'an Yelameidu 9. Unravelling a cryptic 7 word Tosfos
10. Hakhel 11. עמון ומואב מעשרין מעשר עני בשביעית 12. Hearing, learning, and teaching

mendy kaplowitz asked:

Is it a chiyuv on the parents of a tof who is a Cheresh to bring him for hakhel? Since it it is only for a schar for the parents for bringing him, and even if he could hear he is not understanding anyway.

Mendy kaplowitz

The Kollel replies:

I would think that your suggestion is correct. However, the Turei Even seems to understand that the only reason that a father would bring a Katan is if he would otherwise (besides for being a Katan) be obligated himself. He even goes as far as to say that it must be that the Katan that would have to be brought must own some land in Eretz Yisrael (not through his live father), as otherwise he would be exempt from Hakhel just as he is exempt from Re'iyah (and we have a Gezeirah Shavah between Re'iyah and Hakhel). It would therefore seem the Turei Even would say he would not have to be brought.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose