After the angel informs Yehoshua that (1) they did not bring the Tamid that day, and (2) they were not learning Torah; Yehoshua's response was "Well, for which one of those 2 items are you rebuking me?" What's his question? Why can't it have been a doube rebuke? Why does Yehoshua seem to imply: "Hey, one thing at a time!" [Is my question half way to the answer? I.e., is this to teach us that when giving tochecha, just point out one thing at a time? But if that is true, why then did the angel even mention the item he was not coming to castigate Yehoshua for, i.e. Missing the Tamid offering that day?] Thanks!
Stephan Azra, Brooklyn, NY USA
The angel was sent to reprimand Yehoshua and show him the severity of his sin in order to correct his wrongdoing. If Hash-m wanted to point out the severity of two different, unrelated, sins, He would have sent two angels, since one angel cannot perform two missions (Bereishis Rabah 50).