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4. Ritva's Clarification Of Abaye's Question and Rava's Answer 5. Shechunei Gava'ei 6. ג' שנים רצופות בחזקת הבתים

1. ari maman asks:

on daf 29a rav huna says the din that u need ritzifus, and the gemara asks what do i need his limud for! the mishna says myom leyom! my question is that on 28a tosfos d'h "shehen yud ches chadash" says rav huna's din applies to the saifah of the mishnah as well, but the saifah of the mishnah says einah meyom leyom! that would mean the din of retzufos does not apply in the saifah! how is this resolved??

ari maman, jerusalem, israel

2. The Kollel replies:

1) Only in the question of the Gemara (29a) on Rav Huna did it think that mi'Yom l'Yom must mean Retzufim. However, in the answer -- that mi'Yom l'Yom could mean Mefuzaros -- we see that mi'Yom l'Yom does not necessarily mean Retzufim, and it is only the Chidush of Rav Huna that tells us Retzufim; we could not have understood this from the Mishnah alone.

2) However, even though mi'Yom l'Yom in the Reisha does not necessarily mean Retzufim according to the conclusion of the Gemara, it still is possible that "Harei Yud Ches Chodesh" in the Seifa could mean Retzufim. This is because even though 18 months is sufficient and we do not require 3 full years, nevertheless it could be that these 18 months must be Retzufim, consecutive, with no gaps in the middle. That is why Tosfos entertains the possibility that she'Hen Yud Ches Chodesh is telling us Retzufim. Therefore, even though mi'Yom l'Yom in the Reisha does not mean Retzufim, it could still have been possible that she'Hen Yud Ches Chodesh in the Seifa does mean Retzufim. However, Tosfos rejects this possibility also because it seems from the Gemara that Retzufim is entirely an invention of Rav Huna and could not have been inferred from any part of the Mishnah, neither from the Reisha nor from the Seifa.

(See Tosafos Yom Tov who asks a question which bears a similarity to your question (and see Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger's answer), but I do not think it is exactly the same question as yours.)

Kesivah u'Chasimah Tovah,

Dovid Bloom