More Discussions for this daf
1. Relying on a Miracle 2. Zman Grama 3. Hu li'Fdot u'Veno li'Fdot
4. Pidyon Ha'Ben 5. Mitzvah of Milah on Father or Son 6. Teaching the father before the son
7. Shaving 8. Mitzvah of Milah 9. Maharal
10. Why is this Mishnah Here? 11. Step-Parents 12. Marry or Learn?
13. לסמוך על הנס 14. האב קודם לבנו

hg asked:

Has nothing to do with previous topics? Why not a new perek at least?

hg, ny usa

The Kollel replies:

The Ritva writes that it is mentioned here because it discusses the Mitzvah to marry a wife to one's child.

The Tosfos Rid explains that since the previous Mishnah differentiated between Reshus Gavo'ah and Reshus Hedyot, this Mishnah continues with a discussion of the differences between men and women.

The Pnei Yehoshua and Sefer ha'Mikneh explain that since we were discussing ways to effect the various types of Kinyanim, this Mishnah explains how to one can be "Koneh" Olam ha'Ba.

Best wishes,

M. Kornfeld