Shalom Rav,
I enjoyed learning the tosfos on your website about Kidushin 29b very much. I wanted to ask if you know any other interesting comments by other rishonim on that amud (like Rosh, Ramban, Rashba, Ritva, or Ran) regarding whether a person should first get married or should first study Torah to his content? I would appreciate it very much if you can offer me more perush on that sugya.
Todah Rabah.
Eli Shalmiev, Toronto, Canada
Dear Eli,
The Rosh (Kidushin 1:42) adds as follows:
1. Everyone agrees that if after marriage one will not be able to learn, then he should learn first. However, the age limit by which when he must marry and have children is not known.
2. If his Yetzer ha'Ra is threatening to overpower him, he should marry first.
The Rosh quotes also the following Gemaras (29b-30a):
(a) "He who delays marrying after age 20 'Tipach Atzmosav' (he bones will swell).
(b) One should marry off his son "while you still have control over hi; some say that this is until 22, and some say until 24." (The Rosh understands that this refers to when to marry.)
These Gemaras might refer to one who is not learning anyway.
Indeed, the Rambam, cited by the Beis Shmuel (EH 1:5), maintains that one may delay marriage indefinitely for the sake of learning. The Chafetz Chaim (in Sefer ha'Mitzvos ha'Katan, Aseh 43) writes that the latest that one may delay marriage, even one who is learning, is until age 25.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner