The Gemara discusses whether we can learn anything from the vov in the posuk ending with v'nitmaah. (and she became t'maya.) It's a machlokes. It seems to me that the vov in v'nitmaah is a vov hachibur, an attaching vov serving the function of "and" in English. If the posuk didn't have that vov the Torah would not be using a valid, grammatical Hebrew sentence. The sentence structure would be all off. The Torah always uses grammatically connected sentences. In fact the Torah is the source of all Hebrew, ancient and modern. I don't really see how the mon d'amar who holds the vov is extra would have us read that posuk without the vov.
Tosfos writes in Kidushin 41a in the name of Rach that where the entire word is extra, we can learn from the Vav as well. This applies here as well.
D. Zupnik