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Moshe Lidberman asks:

What do the letters stand for where the Halacha follows Abaye?

Moshe Lidberman, USA

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

In answer to your question, I quote Rashi:

Yud - Yi'ush she'Lo mi'Da'as (in Eilu Metzi'os, Bava Metzi'a, 29b).

Ayin - 'Eid Zomeim' (here).

Lamed - 'Lechi ha'Omeid me'Eilav' (first Perek of Eruvin, Daf 15a).

Kuf - 'Kidushin she'Lo Nimseru le'Bi'ah' (second Perek of Kidushin, Daf 51a).

Gimel - 'Giluy Da'as be'Gitin' (Ha'Shole'ach Get, Gitin, Daf 34a).

Mem - 'Mumar Ochel Neveilos Lehach'is (later).

Kind regards,

Eliezer Chrysler