What is the significance of the 300 barrels that she left and the 3000 that he left?
Also, what is the significance that he was short?
Thank you for your help
Avraham Sacks, Ramat Beit Shemesh
Reb Avraham,
1) The Gemara in Tamid 29b describes a number of instances in which the number 300 is used as a "Guzma." It is a term used to describe a huge amount. 3000 is 10 times more, which demonstrates an even greater abundance.
Since wine is used in Kidush, the Gemara is demonstrating that his reward was in kind, Midah k'Neged Midah.
2) The Gemara mentions that Rav Huna was short to explain how he was easily covered by the silk clothes.
Rav Yakov Emden (Hagahos Ya'avetz) adds the following point. Why indeed did Rav Huna not wish Rav in return "v'Chen l'Mar" ("and such blessings should befall also you")? The answer is that Rav was very tall (Chulin 137b) and Rav Huna was short, and Rav Huna felt that if he would say "v'Chen l'Mar" the silk clothes that covered Rav Huna would not be long enough to cover Rav and it would be embarrassing for him. That is why his shortness is mentioned.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner