Wishing everyone to be well in these covid times. When counting 'mem' for meilah, Rashi says it suffices that Toras Meilah exists by kodshim and not by trumah to outnumber. A few lines later Rashi ignores Toras Chomesh being present by Kodesh, focusing only on the point of time kodesh becomes permissible to Kohanim to consume - the very point he ids qualified for distinction moments ago. Why the discrepancy? Did going from meilah to chomesh allow us to use this discrepancy, if so how? Especially since chomesh is pegged to meilah.
Daniel Gray, Toronto Canada
Daniel, Baruch she'Kivanta!
1) The Tosfos Rid here disagrees with Rashi and gives a different Pshat and it may be that the reason he disagrees with Rashi is because of your question.
2) At any rate, your question is asked by the Toras Yerucham (Rav Yerucham Ze'ev Ciechanowicz of Lomza, part 2, Siman 70). We may summarize his answer by saying that it is all relative. The first Rashi is comparing Kodesh to Terumah with respect to Me'ilah. There is absolutely no Me'ilah for Terumah but for Kodesh there often is. Therefore, even though there is no Me'ilah for Kodesh after it has become permitted to the Kohen to eat, nevertheless the fact that there is Me'ilah at other times from Kodesh is sufficient for us to be able to say that Kodesh has a Chumra over Terumah with regard to Me'ilah. In contrast, when we come to compare Kodesh to Terumah with respect to Chomesh, it is clear that Terumah has a Chumra, because one pays Chomesh for every Shogeg eating of Terumah, while one pays only Chomesh for Kodesh as long as it is not permitted to the Kohen. This difference is sufficent for us to be able to say that, relatively speaking, Terumah has a Chumra over Kodesh for Chomesh.
We should hear Besoros Tovos!
Dovid Bloom
Tks R' Dovid and the kollel group, nice find!
FYI, below, 'the very point he ids qualified' should say 'the very point he disqualified'
The Tosfos Rid writes: "The solution of the 'Moreh' (Rashi) does not appear [correct] at all to me."
I am still not sure why the Tosfos Rid did not agree with Rashi's Pshat.
On second thought, it seems unlikely that it is because of the Toras Yerucham's question, because the answer of the Toras Yerucham seems so straightforward and sensible.
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom