What does Rashi (25B kESUVOS S.V bEYADO) hold. Is b'Yado a Migo like most Rishonim hold? This is not mashma from his words!
Regards from Montreal, Haim
Haim Nataf, montreal canada
Rashi in Chulin 10b DH Ed Echad writes that we learn that b'Yado is believed from Shechitah (and not because it is a Migo).
The Sha'ar ha'Melech (Isurei Bi'ah 18:24) proves that b'Yado is not a regular Migo since the Gemara uses b'Yado even if the b'Yado is an Isur (e.g. b'Yado l'Hasi'ah l'Mamzer), which would not qualify for a regular Migo.
D. Zupnik