More Discussions for this daf
1. Concern for Kishuf 2. The Me'iri 3. Why answer, if you have to say something that's not true?
4. Machlokes Tanaim

Ari Platt asked:

On Daf chaf gimel amud alef, the gemarah says "ein maaveerin." According to Rashi and Tosphos, "ein maaverin" means do not pass over but rather pick up the object. However, the meiri says that it means "ledares." How can the meiri say that because if the gemarah was going to mean dorsin, then the gemarah should have said dorsin like it says on the previous daf, why?

Ari Platt, Los Angeles, California, United States of America

The Kollel replies:

ME'IRI in fact writes that some explain that "Ein Ma'avirin Al Ha'Ochlin" means that "one must not pace over them and certainly one may not tread on them". This implies that the phrase itself "Ein Ma'avirin" means that one must not walk above them which is appropriate to the words because "Ma'avirin" means "to pass" and this person is "passing over" the food. Once we have said that one must not pace over them, we say that one must certainly not tread on them, but one does not need to say that the word "Ma'avirin" actually means "to tread". Therefore the Gemara did not use the word "Dorsin" here because the prohibition of treading on food is only learnt from a Kal Va'Chomer from the Din that one must not walk above them.


D. Bloom