More Discussions for this daf
1. Running up to the 4 Amos on top of the ramp to the Mizbe'ach 2. The Kevesh and the Mizbe'ach 3. The Qualities of a King
4. The Race to the Top Four Amos 5. King David's sins 6. Payis instituted after the incident
7. Amah Yesod 8. Running up the Ramp 9. typo?
10. Asur Limnos Es Yisrael 11. Counting Jews 12. King David's sins
13. תלמיד חכם בנקמה ונטירה 14. Asur Limnos Es Yisrael

Anonymous asked:

They stuck out their fingers for the Payis purpose, how is this counting Jews?

Thank you.

Kol Tuv.

Anonymous, usa

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara indeed says (Yoma 22b) that there is no prohibition on counting fingers. If I have misunderstood your question, please let me know.

Dov Freedman