More Discussions for this daf
1. Kohanim drinking wine 2. Bas Sheva or Bassheva 3. Ishah Marah
4. Avishag 5. v'Zos ha'Torah 6. The shortest Mishnah
1. Yedidia Israel asked:

Related to Rashi's and the Gaon's remark on the verse (cited in Insights to the Daf):

According to Shulchan Aruch, Even HaEzer 129:32-33 names that appears to

be in one word according to the Mesorah like KedorLaomer, ImanuEl,

YedidYa, PedahTsur but have also a meaning when split into two words, can

be writen in a Get as two words as long as they are not split into two


Isn't it simple/a Kal Vachomer that "Bat-Sheva" that appears in two words

in all 11 appearances in the bible, can be split into two words?

Note that the Makaf won't count two words as one, or else we will have

only 11 words in that verse (which have two more Makafim), also in Sifre

Torah, Tevot Mukafot are split into two lines much often.

2. The Kollel replies:

Apparently, the ruling that Bassheva must be written together does not apply to all words joined with a Makaf. Rather, it is a Mesorah of Chazal regarding the name Bassheva.

D. Zupnik