We know that there is an obligation to learn Torah daily(morning and evening) which can be accomplished minimally through Shema, which is in itself a twice daily requirement. Why then was there a need for Moshe rabbeinu to institute public kriyas HaTorah, to prevent a 3 day interval without Torah?
Gary Schreiber, Chicago
It is possible that the decree was to ensure that every Jew learned publicly, something which greater strengthens the commitment of both the public and the individual to Torah. This is especially fitting when considering that the Pasuk quoted regarding the three days they went without Torah were the three days after Kriyas Yam Suf (see Bava Kama 82a and Shemos 15:22). The Malbim explains that they did not concentrate on Yir'as Shamayim during those three days like they should have (see ibid. at length). To ensure this would not happen in the future, the decree was to read the Torah in public every three days, constantly learning Torah and making a public point that this should be our focus (for more about the source of this decree, see Yabia Omer OC 4:17).
Take Care,
Yaakov Montrose