More Discussions for this daf
1. Yi'ush of coins 2. Finding a coin 3. Is a Siman always necessary?
4. Gemara tries to bring proofs to Rava 5. Ye'ush she'Lo mi'Da'as 6. Lost Objects
7. A Lost Object Without A Siman 8. Yiush she'Lo mi'Da'as 9. Scattered fruits belong to the finder
10. Ye'ush She'Lo mi'Da'as 11. Two types of Ganav 12. Two proofs for Rava
13. RASHI ON THE MISHNAH 14. Scattered Fruit and Coins 15. Duchta d'Inish Inish Hu.
16. Siman is found on an object 17. אדם עשוי למשמש בכיסו בכל שעה

ari asks:

what are 3 kinds of cases that Abaya and Rava would agree?

ari, baltimore

The Kollel replies:

Is this a homework question Ari? I think you will find the answer on 21b - Zuto Shel Yam, an object with a Siman, and the kind of object that a person always checks to see that it is in place, such as money.

Keep up the good work,

Mordecai Kornfeld