More Discussions for this daf
1. Yi'ush of coins 2. Finding a coin 3. Is a Siman always necessary?
4. Gemara tries to bring proofs to Rava 5. Ye'ush she'Lo mi'Da'as 6. Lost Objects
7. A Lost Object Without A Siman 8. Yiush she'Lo mi'Da'as 9. Scattered fruits belong to the finder
10. Ye'ush She'Lo mi'Da'as 11. Two types of Ganav 12. Two proofs for Rava
13. RASHI ON THE MISHNAH 14. Scattered Fruit and Coins 15. Duchta d'Inish Inish Hu.
16. Siman is found on an object 17. אדם עשוי למשמש בכיסו בכל שעה

M Avishur asked:

Why does the Mishnah list both scattered fruits and coins. Is it not possible to learn fruit as a kal vchaomer from coins. If the coins, which are not perishable, can be kept, kal vachomer fruit which is also perishable can be kept?

M Avishur, Houston, TX

The Kollel replies:

According to the Sugya, scattered fruit is speaking about a Kav of corn that is scattered around an area of four Amos in the threshing-floor, and the Chidush is that the owner is Meya'esh even though he knows full well that the corn is there.

Money, on the other hand is speaking (according to Abaye) about a case where the owner did not know when the money fell, but he did get to know about it before it was found, taking it outside the realm of Yi'ush she'Lo mi'Da'as'.

So you see, each case is quite different than the other, and each one comes to teach us an independent Chidush.

be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler