In the Gemoro on Daf Kof Aleph Omud Aleph it brings about 3/4 of the way down that if Achisoyfel and Doeg learning a Possuk in Tehilim about Dovid Hamelech that it was not worthwhile pursueing him because they knew he had DIVINE PROTECTION because of his Limmud HaTorah.Rashi says that the Possuk is alluding to the fact that Dovid Hamelech had special protection from HASH-M in D.H. LEYMOR and Rashi himself says a Loshon of SHEBO AL ESHES ISH which assumes is the Maaseh of Bassheva .Comes the Maharsha in Agodos and says Ee Efsher az the historical timing is wrong az Doeg is in Shmuel Aleph in the time of Shoul Hamelech and the Maayseh of Bassheva is Shmuel Beys some time after so Doeg was no longer around so the Maharsho gives a Teruttz Ayin D.H. ILMOLEY.
What does the Kollel say to the following Mehalech based on the Sugya of Megila Daf Yud Daled where the Sugya talks about the Shiva Nevios and 1 of them is Avigail and on the Omud Beys the Gemoro goes into some detail how there was a Cheshash of some sort of Hirhur or possible Aveiroh between Avigail and Dovid and the Gemoro in the Maskonoh talks about the Aveiroh of Bassheva and AyinShom Tos D.H. SHEGOLSO and also there are famous Gemoros about Dovid and Bassheva in Hazohov and Shabbos and Bekitzur my vort is that no Pirush on the Possuk in Tehilim or our Sugya in Sotah says which Maaseh is referred to and maybe the Gemoro means the earlier Maaseh of Dovid and Avigail NOT Dovid and Bassheva and that would certainly Far Enfer the Maharsho,s time problem and it might Shtim with the Megillo Sugya as well.
Boruch Kahan London, london u.k.
Based on the Pasuk in Mishlei (not in Tehilim) "Mayim Rabim Lo Yuchlu Lechabos Es ha'Ahavah", the Gemara concludes that an Aveirah cannot wipe out Torah-study. Rav Yosef comments on this that, had Do'eg and Achitofel Darshened the Pasuk like that, they would not have pursued David ha'Melech (since David ha'Melech was not only a Tzadik, but an outstanding Talmid Chacham as well).
On this the Maharsha observes that Rav Yosef's comment cannot be taken literally, since Do'eg died long before Shlomo was born, and even Achitofel, who died when Shlomo was seven, cannot have seen Sefer Mishlei (which Shlomo wrote in his middle years). So how could they have Darshened the Pasuk if they never saw it?
Having said that, it is highly unlikely that Chazal would apply the Pasuk "ve'Lo Yir'eh Becha Ervas Davar, ve'Shav me'Acharecha" with regard to a Hirhur Aveirah (which other 'possible Aveirah' were you referring to?), for which he is not taken to task. Nor would they say that it would negate a Mitzvah (and even Torah, according to Do'eg and Achitofel). So let's accept the fact that the sin was that of Bas-Sheva, as all the commentaries explain.
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler