Your materials are excellent. I don't learn the Daf Yomi but use your summaries for my own learning schedule.
I have a questions on Beitza. If the kollel is not really holding there right now, feel free to pass on the question (and perhaps come back to it in 5-6 years when Daf Yomi reaches Beitza again).
In Beitza on Daf B, you write:
>>"4. DAVAR HE'ASUR BEIN HA'SHEMASHOS SHE'LO CHASHAV SHE'YAVO L'YEDEI HETER B'SHABBOS. An object which was forbidden at Bein ha'Shemashos (such as produce from which Terumah had not yet been separated) and which one did not think would become permitted on Shabbos remains prohibited even when the Isur that prohibited the object until now is removed." And this is part of a list that Rabbi Shimon also agrees.<<
However, on Daf 34, the gemorrah seems to conclude that Tevel is not muktza (at least according to Rabbi Shimon.)
Am I understanding this correctly?
Thank you,
Simcha Miller, Jerusalem
Thank you for pointing out the mistake. The Insight on Daf 2a should have said the following:
4. DAVAR HE'ASUR BEIN HA'SHEMASHOS SHE'LO CHASHAV SHE'YAVO L'YEDEI HETER B'SHABBOS. An object which was forbidden to be used Bein ha'Shemashos because an Isur Shabbos must be transgressed in order to make the object useable (such as produce which was still attached to the ground) and which one did not think would become permitted on Shabbos remains prohibited even when the Isur that prohibited the object until now is removed. (See Rashi 24b DH Im Yesh, Tosfos 3a DH Gezeirah.)
We have corrected the paragraph in our records and online.
Thanks again,
Mordecai Kornfeld
Kollel Iyun Hadaf