How could there be a hava amina that the kdusha of Heichal and the Oolam are one and the same. In other words, considering the differences in avodos and keilim placement, in what sense would R' Yehudah say they are the same?
Yonatan Milevsky, Toronto, Canada
The RASHBA and other Rishonim explain that the Avodah and Keilim placement is the subject of an argument between the Rabanan and Rebbi Yehudah (assuming that Rebbi Yehuda holds that the Kedushah is the same). Rebbi Yehuda holds that if one would place the Menorah, Shulchan, etc.. in the Oolam, he would have fulfilled placing it in the area where it is designated, just as if he would put it somewhere (other than its exact position) in the Heichal. Similarly, he understands that a Kohen may not go into the Oolam without having to do Avodah.
Gmar Chasimah Tovah,
Yaakov Montrose