More Discussions for this daf
1. Semichah 2. Beis Din for Gitin 3. What is a Milchemes Mitzvah
4. Milchemes Mitzvah 5. Sanhedrin 6. Adding to the Azaros
7. Members of Sanhedrin 8. Mamonos and Gezeilos v'Chavalos 9. Sanhedrin of 23
10. Splitting Perakim - 1 Mishnah or many Mishnayos? 11. 1st Mishna - Many Mishnayos 12. Mumchin By Dinei Mamonos
1. Menachem Weiman asks:

The usual style of the gemara is to have one mishna and bring the commentary and then another mishna and commentary. Sanhedrin starts out oddly bringing the entire 1st perek of mishna on daf beis amud alef, six mishnayos. And then bringing the commentary on all of them. (The Yerushalmi does not do so.) Why did Ravina and Rav Ashi choose to arrange the 1st perek of Sanhedrin this way?

Menachem Weiman, St Louis, MO