Question: What are the 16 permutations of putting in and carrying out? I think i can figure out 8 - BHB takes from within and puts outside BHB takes from within and Ani takes out of hand and puts down BHB reaches out and takes from outside and brings back in BHB reaches out, ani puts in hand and takes back in Ani reaches in and puts down Ani reaches in and picks up and brings out ani reaches in bhb takes out of hand and puts down ani reaches in and bhb puts in hand and takes out.
What am I missing? I appreciate your response to an earlier question. having an internet resource to help me learn is a Gevaldt! thank you. shabtai moshe Levine
(this chart is best viewed with COURIER 10 pt, and margin of at least 6.25 in./16 cm./75 characters):
|1) ANI takes object | ANI Chayav
from here... |
| ...and then places it in BHB's hand
| |2) | ANI reaches in and takes object ANI Chayav
| from hand of BHB...
...and places it |
here |
| |3) | BHB takes object from here... BHB Chayav
...and places it |
in ANI's hand |
| |4) BHB reaches out | BHB Chayav
and takes object |
from here... | ...and places it here
| |5) ANI takes object | ANI Patur
from here and |
extends his hand |
into... |, and BHB takes object
| from ANI's hand
| |6) ANI extends his | ANI Patur
empty hand to... |, and BHB places object
| into it, and ANI brings his hand
| back to... |
| |7) | BHB takes object from here and BHB Patur
| extends his hand out to..., and ANI |
takes object from|
BHB's hand |
| |8) | BHB extends his empty hand to... BHB Patur, and ANI |
places object |
into it, and BHB |
brings his hand |
back to... |
| |9) (same as 5, but from BHB's perspective:)
| BHB takes object from ANI's hand... BHB Patur
which ANI extends|
to him from here |
10) (same as 6, but from BHB's perspective) BHB Patur
11) (same as 7, but from ANI's perspective) ANI Patur
12) (same as 8, but from ANI's perspective) ANI Patur
13) (same as 1, but from BHB's perspective) BHB Patur
14) (same as 2, but from BHB's perspective) BHB Patur
15) (same as 3, but from ANI's perspective) ANI Patur
16) (same as 4, but from ANI's perspective) ANI Patur
Shabtai, as you can see, in order to complete your count all you need to do is count the flip side of each case. The confusing part is that the case itself is the same. It is the focus on who is Chayav or Patur which is different. (To demonstrate, in your list you wrote as the fifth case, "Ani reaches in and puts down." What is the Ani's liability? Chayav. What is the BHB's liability (in the same case)? Patur. Hence, there are actually two counts in every case.)
All the best,
Yisrael Shaw