More Discussions for this daf
1. The 16 permutations of Hotza'ah and Hachnasah 2. To'eh b'D'var Mitzvah 3. Hotza'ah and its Toldos
4. Mishna #1 5. Yetzi'os ha'Shabbos 6. Gemara vs. Rambam Mishneh Torah
7. Melachah Geru'ah of Tosfos 8. The 16 permutations of Hotza'ah and Hachnasah 9. עונש למלאכת הוצאה

Uri Kirshstein asks:

Tosafos asks why does the Mishna use the lashon of Yetzios, it should use the lashon of hotzaos? Is the question why did the Tanna specifically choose Yetzios as opposed to Hotzaos because both of them are fine. Or is the question it SHOULD have used Hotzaos and NOT Yetzios. If it's the second option, why is hotzaos a better lashon?

Uri Kirshstein, Charleston, SC

The Kollel replies:

Hotzaos is a better Lashon because it means "an act of Hotza'ah." "Yetzios" means "the goings out" which literally refer not to the Melachah, but rather to the person who is going out. It would seem that the Mishnah wants to talk about the Melachah and not the person, which prompts the question of Tosfos that it should have said "Hotza'os." (The Meiri is clearly addressing this question as well in this fashion in the beginning of his comments on the Mishnah.)

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose