R. Mordecai, it was a pleasure speaking with you at the chansana last week. Where is the Tur and Beis Yoseph the Rosh Yeshiva,zt'l, brought for an erva d'rabanon; if kores is a simmon or seebah?
Avrohom Winer, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Reb Avrohom,
Hi, thanks for writing! It was great speaking to you too! I suppose your back home by now.
Sorry for the delay, I missed this one. The Tur and Beis Yosef should be at the beginning of Even ha'Ezer 15. It was based on Diyukim in what they say; if you have difficulty finding it let me know.
Be well,
R' Mordechei, shalom aleichem. Hope this finds you well. Please tell me once more where to find the machlokus in the shulchan oruch about kores being a simon or a sebah for an ervah. Regards, Avrohom Winer...send regards to David Zussman.
Avrohom Winer, Cleveland, USA
If you are referring to the discussion regarding Kedushin being Tofes by an Ervah d'Rabanan, that is in (Shulchan Aruch EH 15:1).
The Rosh Yeshiva R. Gustman ZT'L, found sources for that Chidush in the strange wording of the Tur at the beginning of that Siman.
All the best,
Mordecai Kornfeld