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7. Ravina 8. A Freed Eved 9. Re'iyah
10. ha'Kol Chayavin 11. חרש דומיא דשוטה וקטן

avraham y. berger asks:

in regards to our sugia [and in general] why is he treated as in a different category than a gair

avraham y. berger, lakewood,n.j.

The Kollel replies:

There is in fact no difference between the freed Eved and the Ger. The Mishnah tells us that a non-freed Eved is exempt from being seen in the Beis ha'Mikdash, which implies that a freed Eved is obligated. A Ger is also obligated.

A Chiger is exempt because he is lame and is not capable of walking up to Jerusalem.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom