More Discussions for this daf
1. Cities that are near walled cities 2. 13 Adar 3. Questions
4. Gezeirah Shaveh must be handed down 5. Purim in Har Nof 6. Villagers reading the Megilah early on market days
7. Reading the Megilah on the 15th of Adar 8. Reading the Megilah 9. When the Megilah may be read on the 11th, 12th, and 13th
10. "Mentazpach" Tzofim Amarum 11. The end-letters MeNaTZPaCH 12. Rebbi Yehudah
13. Women Who Reside in the Kefarim 14. Heichan Remizah? 15. Rebbi Yehoshua ben Korchah argues with Rebbi Akiva?
16. End Letters 17. Tosfos 18. Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Korcha's Rebbe
19. Gezeirah Shavah of Perazi 20. Issues of Beis Din 21. Menatzpa"Ch
22. Various Questions 23. Ta'anis Esther in villages 24. Limiting the reading of the Megillah to the 14th
25. Walled city 26. רש״י ד״ה כדכתיב להיות עושים 27. תענית אסתר בכפרים

Avraham Black asked:

On page 2B3 of artscroll gemara:

Artscroll says that the residents of Shushan were miraculously granted an extra day to destroy their oppressors. What was the miracle? Wasn't the miracle that they turned things around to their benefit, not that they were granted an extra day to fight their oppressors?

Avraham Black, Har Nof, Jerusalem, Eretz HaKodesh

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara in Megilah (16b) explains what the miracle was. The Gemara cites the verse in Esther (9:12) that relates that King Achashverosh said to Esther that in the capital city, Shushan, the Jews had killed a lot of people. Rebbi Avahu commented that this teaches that a Mal'ach came and slapped the king on his mouth. Rashi (DH Melamed) explains that the king started by speaking angrily (by implying that the Jews had already taken sufficient victims) but suddenly shifted his attitude and asked Esther what her request was. Something dramatic must have happened to account for the king's change of attitude. What changed his attitude? Rebbi Avahu explains that it was the Mal'ach who silenced the king. It was only because of this miraculous event that the Jews in Shushan were able to fight on the following day, for Achashverosh otherwise would have issued a royal order that the Jews must cease their military activities immediately.

Dovid Bloom