Ok, four comments here on the Point by Point Outlines:
1. (R. Yosi) The Shofar is only sounded as a call for aid, but not for prayer.
-->see proof 14a in taanit that this does Not refer to shofar (towards the bottom of the amud)
2. Story with Choni Hameagel, "When enough had fallen, he prayed that it should stop."
I don't think he did exactly that, The pshat of "see if the ev'en hato'en is covered" seems to be saying -- i Can't pray for the rain to stop (and this is the mishnas proof that you dont pray for rain to stop)...is there a reason this was translated differently here?
3.(f) (Shimon haTeimani) The procedure is also done for pestilence. AND (g) (Chachamim) This is not so.
These opinions are with regard to praying to be saved from pestilence on Shabbos, right?
Yair, Lawrence, NY
1. There is much discussion in the Rishonim regarding how to understand this Mishnah. Some say that it still is referring to Shofar (i.e. Rambam in Perush Ha'mishnayos 3:7) while others say it is not referring to Shofar, as indeed is the simple reading of the Gemara on 14a.
2. You are correct that the translation should be revised.
3. While the simple reading of the Mishnah is that it is discussing praying on Shabbos, the Gemara concludes that they argued regarding weekdays as well (see Tosfos Yom Tov on the Mishnah).
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose
Kollel Iyun Hadaf