What did the Cohen Gadol do with these Loaves? Be was permitted to take this many or he was given this many?
A kazayit was enough to satisfy a regular Cohen...
Tuvya Marcus, Jerusalem Israel
1) We may be able to learn about this from the story of Achimelech and Dovid. Shmuel 1:21:2 tells us that Dovid came to Nov to Achimelech. Achimelech was the Cohen Gadol (see Midrash Tanchuma at beginning of Parshas Metzora).
2) 1:21:7 says that Achimelech gave to Dovid "kodesh" because there was no bread there with the exception of Lechem Haponim. The Radak cites Chazal who say that Achimelech gave Lechem Haponim to Dovid. Even though Dovid was from the tribe of Yehudah and was therefore a Zar; so one should have thought that he was not allowed to eat Lechem Haponim; but the Mishnah Meilah 9a states that after the frankincense from the spoons has been burnt (see Vayikra 24:7) there is no prohibition of Meilah on Lechem Haponim.
3) It seems from this that after the Haktoras Bazichim the Cohen Gadol can distribute the loaves to his guests.
4) The words in the Gemara 17b "Notel Chelek b'Rosh" seem to suggest that he was permitted to take the extra loaves, but not actually given them.
5) See Gemara below 39a that it was only up to the time of Shimon HaTzadik that a kezayis was enough, or more than enough, to satisfy a regular Cohen.
I am not sure that I have done full justice to this topic and it is worth looking into the sugya again, bs'd, if time allows.
Good Shabbos
Dovid Bloom