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1. Wife Holding Get 2. Ritva DH v'Afilu b'Makom sheha'Shayaros Metzuyos

Yitzchak Coffer asked:

"There is no urgent need for the woman to keep the Get.." My question is this: wouldn't a divorced woman want to hold onto her Get for dear life so as to prove to a prospective new husband or the Bais Din in a place where she is not known, that indeed she was divorced? Otherwise there could be a chashash on her children by her new spouse?

Thank you.

Yitzchak Coffer, Thornhill, Canada

The Kollel replies:

There is no such quote on Daf 18. On the contrary, the Gemara says that the woman has a valid claim to keeping the Get for she needs it to get married. However, once a woman is remarried, the fact that she was once married does not require her to bring a Get, for there is a Chazakah that she is permitted to her new husband.

D. Zupnik