Shalom rabbi
Hope all is well. The Gemarah says that a Shevuat Alah is where the Kohen says:
Mashbiani Alayich she'Lo Nitmeis v'Im Nitmeis Yavo'u Bich
My question is did the woman repeat the swear of the Kohen and say Ani Mashbiah etc. or did she just answer Amen to him? Because really v'Hishbia is binyan Hifil which is causative meaning he caused her to swear implying that she actually uttered the swear.
Thank you, miss you
Shalom Aaron,
Nice question! No, the woman does not have to repeat the whole thing. She just answers "Amen" twice in a language that she understands (1). This counts as her acceptance of the oath and accompanying curse, so it is legitimate to use the term "Mashbi'ah," for instance.
Best regards,
Yishai Rasowsky