We said on 14 that anything thing which pasul's terumah w/the exception of a Tevul Yom, makes liquid a rishon. So how are we interpreting Chaggai's question to the kohanim and him asking about wether kodashim are tamai as a shelishi, rivi'i or chamishi when 2 of the items he mentioned were wine and oil, took liquids then when made m'tamai are a rishon D'rabbonon!
As always, any help is much appreciated, thank you.
Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel
It is possible that Chagai was asking them the Halachah mid'Oraisa, not mid'Rabanan (see Mareh ha'Panim on Yerushalmi Sotah 5:2).
Alternatively, it is possible that the Gezeirah regarding anything which makes Terumah Pasul makes a liquid a Rishon was not yet made.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose