According to Rebbi Yosi that Techum is d'Rabanan, why did the Chachomim prohibit to walk 2000 amos?
Even according to Rebbi Yosi, many Rishonim write that the Techum of 24,000 Amos is d'Oraisa (see Rambam Hilchos Shabbos 27:1). The Rabanan saw a need to make a "Seyag" and prohibited walking more than 2000 Amos.
According to those Rishonim who hold there is no Techum mid'Oraisa, the reason for the prohibition was to promote true Menuchah, rest. The Rabanan did not want people to waste the day with lengthy hikes instread of resting, thereby violating the Mitzvas Aseh of "Tishbos". The Rambam presents a similar logic for the laws of Muktzah. See Hilchos Shabbos 24:12,13 and Ramban Vayikra 21:21.
Best wishes,
Mordecai Kornfeld