More Discussions for this daf
1. The Divrei Shalom 2. Abaye and Rav Papa 3. "Modeh Rebbi Yehoshua"
4. Permitted to a Kohen 5. דווקה מקשה רבי יהשוע על שדה של האב ולא על השדה שלו 6. ר' אבהו כי הוה אתי ממתיבתא לבי קיסר

buildit999 asks:

Is a product of an arayos relationship passul to marry a cohain and why, and what level of arayos is?

The Kollel replies:

The product of an Arayos relationship is a Mamzer, who is forbidden to marry even a Yisrael, let alone a Kohen.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler