What does rashi mean by saying that non-jews are punished for not havibng accepetd shabbos! The simple pshat, as is ee it, is how the maharsha learns i.e they are punished if they KEEP shabbos..
Given the Kashe of the maharsha, how do we understand Rashi?
barry kagan, london, england
(a) The MAHARSHA's explanation is not viable for Rashi, since Rashi argues with the RAMBAM that the Maharsha cites. RASHI in Sanhedrin 58b DH Amar Ravina learns from the Gemara there that a non-Jew is Chayav Misah even for resting without the intention of creating a new holiday.
(See also ETZ YOSEF, who offers yet a third interpretation for our Gemara.)
(b) The MAHARSHAL asks on Rashi's explanation of our Sugya, where do we find that non-Jews are punished for not accepting the Mitzvah of Shabbos? Perhaps they indeed are punished only for not accepting the rest of the Torah?
The answer is that the Gemara is not asking that we know Hash-m punished the non-Jews for not accepting the Shabbos. Rather, the Gemara is asking does this mean that Hash-m does not punish the non-Jews for refusing to accept the Shabbos, even though he will punish them for the other Mitzvos they refused? The Gemara answers that they will indeed be punished for not accepting the Shabbos as well (since they did know about the basic Mitzvah).
Mordecai Kornfeld
How can a non-Jew be literally Hayyav anything if he keeps Shabbat? After all it is not one of the 7 mitsvoth that a non-Jew not keep shabbat?
Yeshayahu HaKohen Hollander
The Gemara in Sanhedrin (58b) asks why this is not listed among the seven Mitzvos of Benei Noach. The Gemara answers that since it is learned from "Yom va'Lailah Lo Yishbosu," it is a positive commandment to work, rather than a negative commandment against resting on Shabbos.
Dov Zupnik
Dear Rav Zupnik,
Thank you for your complete answer. This - on Sanhedrin 58b - is a saying of Resh Lakish.
Rashi there explains the words of the Gemara: Oved kochavim shesavat "Mimlachto yom shalem" - from HIS work a full day.
What about seventh day adventists? Or other gentiles who do not go to work on shabbat?
A hypothetical question:
A gentile who is attracted to Tora and judaism, and gets a place in a Kollel. He keeps shabbat, but has not gone through the process of Giyur. However, he learns Hilchot Shabbat every shabbat as required by the Kollel - is he hayyav misa?
Yeshayahu HaKohen Hollander
Work is defined as any of the 39 Melachos, so there is no problem if he does Melachah even if he does not go to work.
As for the potential Ger that you mention, he indeed must be Mechalel Shabbos at least once (as indeed potential Gerim have been instructed to do in the situation you describe). However, we allow a potential Ger to learn Torah for the purpose of being Megayer.
D. Zupnik