I heard on a tape that the Beis Yosef says it was to make sure he had all his income as shabbas expenses are not included in the din...so that all his food would be shabbas food.
1) Where does he say this inside?
2) Who else compares the two views in depth?
hg schild, NY USA
Dear hg,
1) The commentary you heard is from the Imrei Emes (year 5692). It is quoted by Daf Al ha'Daf by Rav D. Mandelbaum (Beitzah 16a). I understand, though, that it was not Shamai's intention to save money, only to honor Shabbos.
2) The Bach on Tur OC (end of 242) learns that Shamai and Hillel do not argue; both customs are permitted and now people act like Shamai. But the Ramban (Shemos 20:8) says the Halachah is like Hillel. The Or Zaru'a (Erev Shabbos 18:3) learns that here Shamai should be followed (and even Hillel agrees that Shamai's way is better!). (Also quoted in Perisha 242 and Darchei Moshe 250:1.)
All the best,
Reuven Weiner