What kind of ashes were put on the heads of the nasi, the av beit din and the people? Where did the ashes come form? Were they ashes from the red heifer? Thank you!
abigail, austin tx
The Gemara explains the symbolism: 1. We are worth nothing like ashes; 2. It is to remind us of the merit of the Akeidas Yitzchak, as the ashes remind of Yitzchak being bound to be offered as a sacrifice. There is no mention of the red heifer ashes, and any type of ashes is acceptable. (However, Tosfos (DH v'Nosnin) on Ta'anis 15b says that specifically human-bone ashes should be used to remind us of the Akeidah, but this suggestion clearly is very problematic, and the commentaries thus amend the words of Tosfos to read ashes of the bones of a ram.)
All the best,
Reuven Weiner